The LabSocket system is a product of Bergmans Mechatronics, LLC (BML). The firm was founded in 2003 by Mr. John Bergmans and specializes in two main areas:
data acquisition and control system application development using LabVIEW; and,
real-time web application research and application development, with a focus on the use of HTML5 WebSocket.
The LabSocket system is based on the unique perspective and skill-set gained by Mr. Bergmans from work in these two fields.
Mr. Bergmans received his B. Eng. (Mechanical) and M. Eng. (Mechanical) degrees from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He has been using LabVIEW since 1996 and was a Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD) from 2013 to 2022.
BML's client base includes companies in the industrial, medical, scientific and aerospace sectors. Further information about the firm is available at
For more information about the LabSocket system or help running any of the demos, please contact:
Bergmans Mechatronics, LLC
John Bergmans
e-mail: jbergmans /at/ bergmans \dot\ com
Customers in Thailand may contact:
Q-Wave Systems Co., Ltd.
Amornthep Phunsin
phone: +66 81 429 9048
e-mail: amornthep /at/ qwavesys \dot\ com
Customers in Taiwan may contact:
Ares Instruments Co., Ltd.
Ares Chung
phone: +886-6-208-2523
mobile: +886-972872265
e-mail: cho-wu.chung /at/ outlook \dot\ com
